May 29, 2014

Mereka Juga WNI

Setelah sekian lama saya tidak menulis dengan Bahasa Indonesia, akhirnya di sini saya memutuskan untuk menulis artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Kenapa? tujuan yah karena memang target pembaca saya untuk artikel ini adalah masyarakat Indonesia, terlebih lagi saya tidak mau orang asing mengerti apa yang akan saya tuliskan di sini.

Artikel ini muncul karena tadi subuh saya membaca status seseorang --bukan kenalan hanya saya dia ada di daftar friendlist facebook saya-- yang menyebut-nyebut tentang 'orang cina'. Sebenarnya ini bukan isu baru, isu ini sudah ada lama sekali dan sudah banyak juga orang yang telah menuliskan tentang tema ini. Kira-kira isi statusnya seperti ini

"jangan mau diperbudak oleh orang cina! mereka cuman numpang di negara ini!!"

Hati ini sakit rasanya membaca kalimat yang semuannya dituliskan dengan huruf kapital tersebut. Saya keturunan Jawa, mungkin ada seperenam belas darah Cina di tubuh saya, itulah yang membuat mata saya kecil dan tidak besar seperti orang-orang Jawa pada umumnya, kadang cukup kesal karena masalah ini tapi yasudahlah. Yang tidak bisa saya mengerti adalah bisa-bisanya masih ada masyarakat dengan pemikiran yang luar biasa rasis seperti ini.

Sebenarnya apa salah orang cina? terlebih lagi apa sih salah keturunan cina di Indonesia?

Isu lama, ini sungguh isu lama.. saya masih tak habis pikir masih ada orang yang menganggap mereka sebelah mata, masih ada saja yang menganggap mereka orang luar dan bukan warga negara Indonesia. Guys, mereka juga warga negara Indonesia, tolong.

Sudah bergenerasi-bergenerasi mereka hidup di Indonesia, boro-boro sikap cinta kepada negara Cina, saya yakin sebagian dari mereka bahkan tidak tau nama desa kampung halaman nenek moyang mereka berasal. Mereka telah menjadi warga negara Indonesia sejak lama, tapi mengapa masih juga dapat perlakuan diskiriminasi begini? apakah tragedi 1998 belum cukup membuka mata kita bahwa mereka juga sebenarnya sama seperti kita yang mengaku penduduk pribumi? 

Saya jadi merasa bersyukur bahwa saya dibesarkan dalam lingkungan yang multikultural mungkin ini juga yang membuat saya menjadi sedikit condong ke arah liberalis tapi tak ada salahnya kok. Dulu saya sempat menikmati pendidikan di sebuah sekolah swasta yang mayoritas siswa/siswinya adalah keturunan Cina. Sebagai anak kecil yang masih labil, kata ejekan-ejekan seperti "dasar lo cina!" sudah pasti sering terlontar dari mulut kami. Namun hanya sebatas itu, tidak lebih hanya sekedar ejekan anak-anak labil biasa.

Katanya cina itu identik dengan kata 'pelit'. Sebenarnya mereka tidak pelit kok, mereka cuma hemat. Saya menuliskan ini sesuai dengan pengalaman pribadi saya. Saat saya masih sekolah di sekolah swasta yang saya sebutkan sebelumnya, pernah suatu ketika saya lupa membawa uang. Lalu saya mencoba meminjam uang kepada teman-teman saya dan yang meminjamkan saya uang bukan orang Jawa, atau orang Batak, tapi teman saya yang keturunan Cina. Tidak, saya bukannya bilang bahwa orang Jawa atau Bataklah yang pelit, mereka benar tidak mempunyai uang lebih pada saat itu, namun saya hanya menekankan bahwa orang Cina tidaklah pelit karena kalau teman saya pelit, pasti dia juga akan bilang dia tidak punya uang juga. Perlu kalian ketahui, teman keturunan Cina ini bukanlah teman dekat saya, dia hanya teman yang kebetulan ada di kelas yang sama dengan saya. Sungguh perkataan Cina identik dengan pelit itu adalah hal yang tidak benar.

Tapi saya rasa tidak semua orang punya kesempatan untuk mengenal WNI keturunan Cina lebih dalam. Dan masih saja sering menjadikan kata "Cina" itu sebagai ejekan, bahkan kambing hitam. Sebagai contoh saya sangat menyayangkan -yang katanya- black campaign yang terjadi terhadap salah seorang calon presiden dengan membawa-bawa ras Cina disebuah surat kabar. Saya bukan bicara tentang pemilihan presiden yang akan terjadi sebentar lagi, tapi saya bertanya-tanya "mengapa harus Cina?", "memang kalau Cina kenapa?" berbagai pertanyaan seperti itu berputar di dalam benak saya. Sungguh sedih rasanya mengingat bangsa besar yang katanya ramah ini ternyata masih saja memiliki pemikiran rasis luar biasa seperti itu.

Saya yakin masyarakat Indonesia tidak semuanya rasis seperti beberapa oknum, tapi cobalah lihat bahwa banyak prestasi yang dibawa Indonesia yang juga adalah hasil kerja keras keturunan Cina. Contoh gampangnya bisa dilihat Koko Simon Santoso atau Cici Greysia Polii. Mereka bertanding atas nama Indonesia loh, bukan untuk Negara Cina.

Karena itu berhenti deh mendiskriminasi WNI keturunan Cina, mereka bukan lawan tapi kawan kita. Kalau kita yang merasa warga pribumi merasa dibudaki cobalah tengok negara-negara lain yang sedang dipuja-puja sekarang, misalnya negara yang sedang menjamur karena boyband dan girlbandnya atau negara yang mengimpor motor-motor pembuat macet di Indonesia. Anyway saya cuma ingin kita semua membuka mata dan alangkah baiknya kalo tidak membeda-bedakan lagi. Ingatlah semboyan negara kita,teman!

"walau berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu"

May 26, 2014

Little Tokyo Ennichisai 2014!

Hello guys! welcome back!

Today i will tell you about my 'little' adventure in an event called Ennichisai. I am sure you all already know about it, especially if you are Japan Lovers here. But for those who do not know about it i will give you some clues. If on May 24-25th you by any chance passed over Blok M, South Jakarta area, and you found a sea of people there and you also saw many people wore costume, it was Ennichisai.

Little Tokyo Ennichisai is an annual Japanese art and culinary festival held at Blok M Jakarta since 2010. For more information you can visit their web here. I have been coming to Ennichisai since 2011, so this year was the fourth year i have visited it.

Actually i planned to come both to day 1 and day 2 but because of my  lovely  thesis, i could not make it to the first day. So i made an appointment with my soul mate since High School, Chae to come together and search for our favorite cosplayer whom we met in 2011. You can read about it here and here (sorry it was in Bahasa Indonesian). So i decided to meet at 3pm because we thought that the festival atmosphere would be greater in the evening and because i need to write my thesis first.

It was so crowded when i arrived there
i did not take this picture when i arrived but nothing really different

 I have some tips for you who want to come to Ennichisai next year:
  1. Make sure to only bring stuffs you really need. It will be better if you do not bring any bag. If you park your car near the venue make sure to leave everything in the car and only bring some money (without your wallet), phone, and camera.
  2. It will be more fun if you come there with your friends. More people you bring there, the more you can enjoy the event. Because if you come by you self you will be like a lost child there. 
  3. Make a meeting point with your friends before you come to the event. Trust me phone will be useless. Every messages will be pending. The signal is the worst ever.
  4. If you see a person and you think cool and maybe you want to have a picture with him/her just ask him/her directly as soon as possible. It will be hard to find a person again in that kind of place.
Okey, because i had not make any meeting point with Chae, it was really a pain in ass to meet her there. Like i told you in third point, phone is useless. My messages was not delivered, and even if you make any call you will not hear anything. So i finally found Chae at 4pm..... 4pm huh i need an hour to find her, at least i was still glad i could find her.

Camwhore with Chae
It almost 1 yeat since the last time i met her

There were two stages and a festival here. Why were there 2 stages? because one is traditional culture stage and the another is pop cultural stage. We tried to come near the stage and watch something but it was useless ahahhaah we could not see anything.

collaboration performance of Indonesian and Japanese culture
Me managed to come near the traditional culture stage once, but for the pop culture one, there was no hope for us, so we only walked around the festival and tried to find cool cosplayers. There were many food and merchandise stands there. People were having fun, many coplayers had photo shoot too! ahahahahha ah there was also Mikoshi for street parade!! What is Mikoshi? well search it for your own, i am sure there is one article about it in Wiki ahahha, i will only give you some picture of it.

Mikoshi Street Parade

Speaking of Japanese festival, there must be Japanese Food!

And also cute mascot of some products!
With convenience store Lawson's mascot 

One of the best baby's diapers Mamy Poko's Mascot
And of course! cool cosplayers
Jack Frost!!! The favorite cosplayer of the day!
because he cosplayed as Jack Frost (he is my favorite character) and also a little cute lol
White Ranger and Amei
sstt, actually Amei is Silver Ranger in an undercover mission ahahha
Takeru-kun, Patamon, and Amei
aaak the Patamon is cute, isn't he?
Another Jack Frost and his magic staff!
He was so kind and let me steal his staff
Two Jack Frost in my hand!!!
There was a funny story about this picture ._.

Combination Jutsu with Naruto-kun!!!
Kagebushin no Jutsu!
Finally Chae took a picture with a cosplayer!
Chae and her idol since middle school! Sasuke-kun! 

Sasuke-kun was so cool~
We were cool couple lol (my expression was not cool tho)
Dunno the character name
but the coplayer was handsome :3
Meet them in the escalator when we search for dinner
dunno the characters name, but the cosplayers were so kind to me
What i learnt from my experience in 4 years of Ennichisai, never ever be shy to ask for the picture. So this year i did not hesitate at all, ahhahahah they even did not know who i was so nothing to be embarrassed about. Nah~ we met so many kind cosplayers that day. I mean they were really kind ahahhaha i even played pranks to some cosplayers.

I teased Takeru-kun so much ahahah
"Hi can i take some picture? with your Patamon?"
But unfortunately we ended up heart breaking because our cosplay idol (the one i mention in the beginning of the post) did not cosplay. AHAHAHHA thats too bad. But we were very happy, and as we thought the festival atmosphere in the evening was the best!
feel like the festival in Japan right?

I made this one as this blog header!! ehhehe love it!
Ennichisai was always fun! But too bad i did not meet many friends this year there. Last year i met so many high school friends there tho... maybe everyone is too busy with their thesis tee-hee. Anyway i will make sure to come again next year! see you

May 11, 2014

Recommended Channel to Subscribe in Youtube #1

Hello guys~ today i am gonna share to you about some bloggers umm, maybe youtube artists that recently i subscribed in my youtube channel. Maybe you already knew some of them because i am sure they are all famous and have their own fans already.

The five of them are have their own field because i have interest in many fields. I will also tell you the reason why i started following their channel, ok~ soooooo lets started!

1. Ochikeron

The first channel i want to introduce to you is a cooking channel by Ami Nishimura-san. She is a beautiful lady from Japan. The reason why i like her channel is because she explains cooking steps in simple but cute ways. Beside that the explanations are very clear so you will not get any difficulty in following her recipes. And the most thing i like about her is she is a friendly person, she often responds to some comment that the viewers left in her youtube account and answers if some viewers asked about her recipes.

Here is a few of my favorite videos from her channel.

If you really like to cook and want to try some recipes this is a great channel to subscribe in youtube.
You can also follow her here :


Second channel is beauty and make up tutorial channel by Angel Eonni. She is a Korean who now is living in US with her husband, Aiden and her cute son Yungwoo. You can say their are kind of ulzzang family. Angel Eonni is a make-up artist so she often makes actress' make up tutorial from drama that is booming in Korea. Tutorials that she made are usually simple, even tho i never apply it because i do not think it suits my skin color. What i love the most about this channel is you can see a happy wedding life from the them because they also like filming their marriage life. This is also one of the reasons why i wanna get married quickly.

Here is my favorite videos from them:

If you like to try some Korean make up tutorial you must subscribe this channel! and also if you like watching "We Got Married" show, I am sure you will love to see them. You can also follow Angel Eonni here :


3. Piglet TV

Next is about an amateur college student's channel from 박인규 -Park In-Gyu- whom more known as Piglet. He is a B-boy from Street Dance Club from Kyunghee University (Seoul, Korea). His channel is mostly about 천원빵배틀 -Battle of 1,000 Won Bread- It is a routine street dance battle between 5 universities in Korea: Kyunghee Univ, Gangnam Univ, Sungkyungwan Univ, Kyonggi Univ and Ajou Univ.

Here you can watch b-boy move, popping step and the other's street dance move from Korean Students. A great channel to look for inspiration for dance. I subscribed this channel because a friend of mine is one of the student that always participates in this activities, but it's always refreshing to watch a bboy battle >_<
Not only about Street Dance Battle, Piglet also like to uploads Event from Korean Universities.

Here is my favorite video from Piglet TV

If you have interest in street dance stuffs or if you would like to see how is Korean Students' activities in theirs Street Dance Club, or maybe you just wanna see Korean guys and girls dance, this is a perfect channel to subscribe! You can also follow him here:

Piglet TV

4. Kaoru Nishitoba

The fourth channel that i will recommend here is Kaoru Nishitoba-san's youtube Channel. He is a Japanese, i do not know much about him but what i know we have same taste in japanese music. Maybe he is not good as Jung Sungha but what i like about him is he always cover Japanese Artists that i like such as Ellegarden, The HIATUS, Acid Black Cherry, Mr Childrean etc. You will not see his face in his video but his guitar skill is nice.

Here is my favorite video from his channel

If you have same taste in music like me, and if you a big fan of Takeshi Hosomi and like to listen guitar (cover) version of his song, this is a great channel to subscribe! also follow him here:

Kaoru Nishitoba
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The last channel that i will introduce to you here is............... StudioSinga! I do know who the owner of this channel, but im sure he/she is a Japanese. Here you can watch videos of cute cats' daily life. They are very cuteeee indeed. I knew this video from my friend, she said that this channel gives her refreshing if she has too much work to do and i agree with her

Check out these video!

See?? they are very cute, are not they? Well if you like cats i think you will interest in this channel. You can follow StudioSinga here:

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Ok this is the end of my recommendation today! I will be happy if you have interest in them after you read my post! See you again next time~