May 11, 2013


Hello guys, it has been about 1 month and half since the last time i wrote here
There are these and those and so many things i must do after KCD, Final test is just right in front of my eyes, papers, final projects are haunting me but unfortunately daily assignment wont go away -__-. I'am afraid i can survive till the very end..gosh i'm really serious this time!

And here it is, one of my final project!
It's an online shopping mall! yeah my Korean business' final project is making an online shopping mall...
It got me 2 days dealing with html code and made this blog... well so simple and not really awesome meh? but i was satisfied enough, because it looks like a real one! HAHAHAHA

feel free to visit Happy Yappy POSTCARD !!
but you must note that I DONT SELL ANYTHING FOR REAL~ >___<

I don't really sure what am i majoring!
Last semester we made a video, i learned about photoshop a few times for make brochure or anything like that. We also had a cooking class, and dancing class sometimes, and I thought we only talked about marriage and husband or anything about build a great family in every lesson. And this time we did something related to HTML code! HTML!! mean, the last time i learned about it was when i was in middle school and i forgot everything -___- well, i learn many skills and i hope i will never forget them.

See you again when it's holiday!! (its arround mid June i guess) ^^
Wish me luck to survive till the end of this semester!! 

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